232 THE SIKH RELIGION And in a moment returneth. God bestoweth His service on him to whom He is merci- ful ; Nanak, such a man shall be absorbed in the Name. 4 God the cherisher of the poor Can in a moment make a humble worm a king ; Him who is totally obscure God can at once render everywhere famous. The Lord of the world will not take the accounts of those On whom He bestoweth His favours. Soul and body are all His property ; Every heart is full of God's light; He made His own handiwork— Nanak liveth by beholding His greatness. 5 Man's power is not at his own disposal; The Cause of causes is the Lord of all. Helpless creatures must obey orders ; What pleaseth God shall ultimately be. Man is sometimes exalted, and sometimes debased ; Sometimes he mourneth, and sometimes he laugheth with delight and joy; Sometimes he engageth in blame and praise, Sometimes he is up in heaven, sometimes down in hell; Sometimes he is acquainted with divine knowledge, Nanak, God Himself causeth us to meet Him. 6 Sometimes man danceth in a variety of ways, Sometimes he sleepeth day and night, Sometimes he is terrible in his mighty wrath, Sometimes he is the dust of all men's feet, Sometimes he is enthroned as a great king, Sometimes he weareth the attire of a lowly beggar, Sometimes he falleth into evil repute,